Friday, July 15, 2016

What is the fuss about in the Republican National Convention?

Donald Trump wants his Evangelical police (EP) to monitor the convention. The EP's are armed with metal rulers and will slap the wrists of anyone involved in hanky panky on the floor of the convention.

Trump has already had a major sex scandal when it was revealed that former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and press secretary Hope Hicks were secret lovers. Trump staffer Sam Nunberg got fired over the story and also because he revealed Trump had a secret and illegal campaign finance account.. Trump is suing Nunberg for $10 million for violating a non-disclosure agreement.

The EPs are also passing out Hanzoff anti-mastubatory gum. This is a real product you can buy at Ina addition, the Trump has ordered that saltpeter be added to any sandwiches or finger food served at the the event. The Donald wants to keep the convention pure in accordance with conservative Evangelical standards,

Fappy the anti-masturbation porpoise will also be at the event. He was recently bonded out of of jail for public indecency when he was caught polishing his own porpoise. Fappy is very popular with conservative and Evangelical children.

Property Christians will also be prominently featured in the event. Will Joel Osteen, the Chistian Prosperity king be there? Hard to say, but but hidden in the schedule is Rev. Mark Burns, an enigmatic and sometimes gaffe-prone  African American pastor from South Carolina. Burns who has been a big Trump supporter. He may even plug the capitalistic Trump Institution.

Whether you vote Republican not, this convention should be an eye opener. 

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

How to extend the life of an electric water heater.

You can double the life of an electric water heater by replacing the sacrificial anode. If you had your electric water heater replaced, change out the anode after 6 months and every year thereafter. Changing out the anode can double the life of the water heater,

The anode is a threaded bar usually made of magnesium. Water, iron, magnesium and calcium in the water will attack the anode before it attacks the tank and its heating elements. If elements start to fail, consider replacing the anode at the same time.

You will need to purchase two items to remove the anode. One is a 1/2 inch impact wrench and the other is a 1-1/16 socket. Th electric wrench from Harbor Freight is a simpler alternative than a pneumatic wrench that requires a compressor. This wrench can also easily remove lug nuts to change out a tire.
You will also need the 1-1/16 socket to remove the anode.
And a replacement anode. You can see the difference between the new and old anodes. Besides scale, the old anode will have pock marks all over it where the magnesium has been eaten away, Make sure both anodes are the same length. Cut the new anode to the correct size with a hack saw if you have to.
At the this point, you can start the installation.

  1. Turn off power to the water heater.
  2. Torn off the water supply to the power heater. 
  3. Drain out about two gallons from the tank by opening the valve at the bottom of the heater, Connect a hose to the valve if necessary to drain a few gallons form the tank. If you open the pressure release valve at the top of the tank, no water should be released,
  4. The tank will have  2 inch cut out in it with a plastic insert on top of the anode, Remove the plastic insert and cut around the insulation with a paring knife. Remove the insulation to expose the cap on the anode.
  5. Place the socket over the anode to make sure your have a snug fit. Attach the impact wrench and hold it tightly before giving a 4 second reverse burst. A second burst may be needed. At this point you should be able to unscrew and remove the old anode. 
  6. Make sure the new anode is the same length as the old and put two turns of Teflon tape or plumbers putty around the screw threads. Hand tighten the anode into the tank and give a forward burst with the impact wrench, 
  7. Turn the water back on. At this, open the valve and let the tank drain for 5 minutes and then close the valve. 
  8. Replace the insulation in the hole for the anode and snap the plastic cap back on.  
  9. Turn the power back on to the hot water heater. 
You are finished. 

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