
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Has Rick Santorum registered as a Vatican agent?

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq requires that agents of foreign governments register.

The purpose of FARA is to insure that the U.S. Government and the people of the United States are informed of the source of information (propaganda) and the identity of persons attempting to influence U.S. public opinion, policy, and laws. In 1938, FARA was Congress' response to the large number of German propaganda agents in the pre-WWII U.S.

  1. The Act requires every agent of a foreign principal, not otherwise exempt, to register with the Department of Justice and file forms outlining its agreements with, income from, and expenditures on behalf of the foreign principal. These forms are public records and must be supplemented every six months.
  2. The Act also requires that informational materials (formerly propaganda) be labeled with a conspicuous statement that the information is disseminated by the agents on behalf of the foreign principal. The agent must provide copies of such materials to the Attorney General.
  3. Any agent testifying before a committee of Congress must furnish the committee with a copy of his most recent registration statement.
  4. The agent must keep records of all his activities and permit the Attorney General to inspect them.
In 2004, Santorum and his wife became Knight and Dame of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta at a ceremony at St. Patrick's Church in New York. 

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, headquartered in Rome, enjoys, as does Vatican City, independent diplomatic status and representation at the UN by an observer mission. 

Because of Santroum's political views that are identical to that of the Vatican on a variety of issues and because of his status as a Knight Of Malta, FARA applies to him and he should registered as an agent of the Vatican.

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1 comment:

Jack4888 said...

I wrote to US D.O.J. an email. The Vatican is missing from the FARA database. I asked why was it missing since it is trying to influence American policy and politics AND should be there